Monday, November 9, 2009

multiple layering

Multiple Layering would best describe my life for the past couple of weeks and contributes to some of my blog silence. Change is a hard one to swallow for most of us, but the end result quite often is one of emotional and personal growth. Hey...I'm the first one to admit I'm one of those that can easily find myself fitting into a very comfortable and sometimes jaded life style.

One of those layers that released me of such a "laid back" life was a knee replacement for DH! My daily concerns now include "Putting DH First", ice packs, sponge bathes, preparing drinks and meals of the patient's choice, keeping tabs of the meds for the patient and using my layman nursing skills at a moment's notice.

DH is progressing marvelously and about to graduate from the walker to a cane (we are sure the Dr. Man will be most pleased with his progress this week)! Look at the new knee of 2 weeks. O-U-C-H!
I am the official full time dog walker around our house till DH (the patient) is back to 100%. This additional layering of my life gives me the opportunity to start the day with a (3) dog walk at 5:45 am. Joy...Joy, but aren't they just too cute! The Italian greyhounds are thin, muscular and nearly hairless, making their anatomy intriguingly apparent, while the Papillon is sturdy and compact. Yeah, there's not only lots going on at home, but lots happening at work as well. This is one of the busiest times of the year with Open Enrollment meetings and the additional tasks that go along with it. Surprisingly, I have been focused and quite accomplished at the office thru all the changes at the homestead. You know I can't post without mention of a knitting project! Luckily I have the Log Cabin blanket on the needles that I have been knitting on in small lots of time. By luckily I mean...what a great project to work on in small increments. By working LC in squares, there is a reason to celebrate with the completion of each square. My LC will consist of 20 blocks of which 17 are finished. See the layers of finished squares.