I am so blessed to be part of a Needlework Mission known as "Stitches of Love". Basically, this is a group of women based out of Love's United Methodist Church who meet to work on their crafts, fellowship and teach newcomers. Each person works on projects of their choosing in the craft they prefer. Of course I chose knitting, but we have crocheting, quilting, sewing or any craft we find a mission for. The crafter is connected with mission groups or charities that receive crafts of all kinds. It will also be a clearing house where crafters can bring finished pieces to be donated, and will be sent where there is a need. We can make a piece specifically for someone we know or can add them to the items to be given to a stranger.
Charities or missions we hope to support are: afghans or prayer shawls for sick depressed or lonely people, scarves for breast cancer patients, caps for oncology patients and preemie babies, lap quilts for injured veterans or the wheelchair bound, wheelchair or walker caddies for their "stuff", stuffed animals for police and fire departments to give to children, drawstring tote bags for homeless children in the Family Promise program, dresses for Little Dresses for Africa, the list is endless!
Once a month our finished items are grouped together, tagged and with touching of hands are prayed over with a special pray for the recipients.
Presently I'm knitting a blanket for a young boy at Brenner's (pics to come soon).
With much excitement, I rambled through my closet and containers to find knitted scarves, a shawl and some baby items to be sent to the most fitting organizations. With full hearts, these goods have been prayed over and are now in the distribution process.
Let me know if you would like to be part of this very special mission, you only need to send me your contact information and I will get in touch with you with the particulars.
There has also been some Holiday Knitting at my house. These two Thorpe Hats are complete and ready for gifting to the daughters of my BFF. I simply L.O.V.E. Christmas and I L.O.V.E Holiday Gift Knitting!
If the braids look a bit larger than the original pattern, that's because they are (12-40" pieces were cut instead of 6-40"pieces). There is nothing frivolous about these sweet young girls so I felt a hearty braid was much more appropriate for their personality and style.Each hat was knit in a size Medium on number US 9 needles. I was very impressed with the 100% washable wool, Kaya by Crystal Palace Yarns. The green colorway #0122 is for "Super Blonde Sister" while the purple/blue colorway #0123 is for "Miss Prissy Brunette Sister".
Presently on my sticks is the Koigu Linen Stitch Scarf by Churchmouse Classics and yes, I am using the wonderful Koigu fiber as suggested! What a Fab fiber! I'm never disappointed with Koigu.
Unfortunately, none of my local yarn shops carry Koigu and I knew mine MUST be knit with Koigu so I ordered my three skeins from Jimmy Bean. Now for sure they have the best selection going, but it is a little difficult to make color selections when viewing them from a computer moitior.
Anyhow, I'm quite pleased with my Koigu KPPPM colors: 105D, 118L and 852. AND when I think about it, I haven't seen a Linen Stitch Scarf that was actually ugly. I definitely plan to knit yet another one of these s.l.o.w. knits in the future.