I'm in a Grey's mode! I received a Borders 40% off coupon for any DVD gift box, sooooo that was excuse enough to purchase Grey's Season 3. My Grey's DVD collection is now complete with all three seasons!
My Grey's Anatomy Season 4 KAL invite was received this week. You may knit whatever you want in whatever color you want (but grey is cool) while watching Grey's Anatomy. Just so happens my stash included 3 balls of Rowan Kidsilk Haze in the colorway Smoke. I made this purchase months ago for the Rowan lace shawl "Birch". Of course when I received my Grey's Season 4 KAL invite, it was like an aha moment and I knew exactly what my Grey's special project would be.
Birch now cries to be knitted since I personalized the instructions! I have detail count sheets, 'cause..................
1. I love to create and work from a count sheet/chart
2. feeling organized turns me on
3. no super memory here, I have to tick off every completed row :(
Okay...I never said I was the smartest knitter around!

My Grey's Anatomy Season 4 KAL invite was received this week. You may knit whatever you want in whatever color you want (but grey is cool) while watching Grey's Anatomy. Just so happens my stash included 3 balls of Rowan Kidsilk Haze in the colorway Smoke. I made this purchase months ago for the Rowan lace shawl "Birch". Of course when I received my Grey's Season 4 KAL invite, it was like an aha moment and I knew exactly what my Grey's special project would be.
Birch now cries to be knitted since I personalized the instructions! I have detail count sheets, 'cause..................
1. I love to create and work from a count sheet/chart
2. feeling organized turns me on
3. no super memory here, I have to tick off every completed row :(
Okay...I never said I was the smartest knitter around!
I want to join the Grey's too!! What do I have to do?
Can I borrow your season 1 so I can catch up and hop on the wagon since there is not anything good to watch on TV??
I have the perfect Grey thing to knit!! Baby Grande Alpaca!!!
I really wish I could be there tomorrow!! I am SO JEALOUS!!
The birch shawl is a gorgeous pattern. I can't wait to see your version!
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