I was bit by the knitting bug and quickly found my "wonderful fibers, books and knitting goodies" bulging from the little straw storage box I purchased from Joann's. I housed yarn and projects in the little straw box, felted tote bags, paper and plastic bags and even the back of my SUV! I felt totally out of control! The fact that I had surrounded myself...maybe indulged myself... with beautiful yarns and all those lovely books (OKAY, I need to learn and be inspired...right??) didn't bother me, it was the fact my new prized possessions were in total disarray, I could never find anything!!!! You will learn I am an insanely organized gal.
Stressing over my dilemma, out of the blue, came an ingenious idea.....The Wet Bar!!!
We have an older home that has a wet bar off the den. We had never used that bar and what a shame to let the space go to waste...right??? you know where I'm going with this???? Well the glasses and aged bottles of whiskey were moved out and the delicious yarns and needed notions took over. That little Wet Bar, I mean Yarn Bar, is now all mine and I am ever so organized :-) Check out the Pink Elephants -they came with the house!
I may just take the prize for Weird Stash Location.

That is an AWESOME IDEA!!
I wish I had a closet!!
Are you in Ravelry yet??
Way to reclaim that space! Your stash is beautiful. Now you'll be free to feel inspired instead of anxious. :)
Now in my wet bar closet there would be yarn and wine. Days of Yarn and Wine. I like that!!
Looks very organized. Do you make house calls
Lady Di
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