Friday, June 27, 2008
Fess Up Fiber Friday #26
Saturday, June 21, 2008
and the thing is.......Sophia is Finished!
Waaa.Waaa.Waaa.....I have to wait till fall to wear Ms. Sophia!!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Fess Up Fiber Friday #25
Sunday, June 15, 2008
A Very Good Saturday
Jeannie and I spent a couple of hours with Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte, Samantha and of course,

Personally I thought the movie was witty and effervescent. Does that make me Shallow??? Maybe. So be it!
Jeannie and I get a kick from occasionally surprising the other one. Such was the case this week-end when Jeannie gave me a Super-Duper pen and some Mickey Mouse stickers!! I love Mickey Mouse and I love stickers, so there...perfection!!!! Now it's for sure with my new Super-Duper pen I will get much more knitting more searching for my misplaced pen. Thanks Missy!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Fess Up Fiber Friday #24
Yarn Details
Brand: Vesper Sock Yarn
Hand Dyed by: Knitterly Things
Colors: #32 Neopolitan
#9 Muddy Waters
Grape & Periot (unknown - lost band) I will just call it Beautiful!
Content: 80% Superwash Wool/20% Nylon
Skein Weight: 400 yds
Project Plans: Socks, Socks, Socks
Comments: Each skein is hand dyed and every colourway is unique. These hanks were ordered directly from Knitterly Things on three separate occasions. At the time of my purchases, their yarns would be posted on the website on Thursday evenings and would practically sell quick as made available. The hank band states this sock yarn is 400 yards of Self Striping Goodness and I totally agree!!
Tootie is not a cat, Tootie is a Clown!
Friday, June 6, 2008
100th Post - Putting Myself "Out There"
It is seldom I share personal thoughts or information about "Me" with you, so why not let my 100th post be a time to put myself out there.
My real name is not Knitting Diva, my real name is Dawn. I was born in North Carolina and raised with my twin brother
at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia.
I live only 1 hour from my family
My DH is let me be very clear right here, right now, once and for all, I love the many benefits that come from dwelling with a retired spouse! I continue to work full-time as a Human Resources Manager for a Manufacturing Company. My mother-in-law (a dear one) has lived with us for 15 years.
We all can think of things we would change in our life and my list is a long one. But the one thing I am proud to say I would Never change in my life is the years I spent as a stay-at-home Mom with my one son. Those were precious years!
Now....20 Things I Can't Imagine Myself Ever Doing.
(In no particular order)
1. Not wanting what is best for my son.
2. Grumble about the change of seasons.
3. Forgetting 911.
4. Miss a month reconciling my check book.
5. Stop loving the scent of fresh bed linens.
6. Eating Sardines...UGH!
7. Miss an every other day chat with Mom.
8. Smoking. (quit that nasty habit years ago).
9. Vacuuming my house every day.
10. Stop believing in God.
11. Crawling under a bed.
12. Taking my friends for granted.
13 Giving up chocolate.
14. Losing interest in knitting.
15. Being without a dog.
16. Stop learning from my mistakes.
17. Not dreaming of a Hawaiian vacation. (unless I actually get to go one day).
18. Stop loving myself.
19. Forgetting where I come from.
20. Giving up on a family member.
Learning about you through your blogs and reading of the highs and lows of your life/knitting ventures have brought me much enjoyment during the last couple of years. I appreciate your every comment and I am most grateful for every friend I have made in the world of blogging.
Cheers to you all!