Dear Ms Kimono,
I loved knitting
you! You were, by any definition, an easy knit. But let's be clear, you were not a quick knit. We shared many knitting hours on knit nights at my LYS(s), several air hours to and from Vegas in September and I can't forget the hours spent bonding with you during those
Lifetime movies!
Ms. Kimono, you are in all your glory knit with yard after yard of Berroco Ultra Alpaca and ever so wearable, thank you for embracing me like a cozy cocoon!

We always knew you wanted to be knit in an Oatmeal colorway, but were feeling quite bored with all that beige after beige. What a grand idea, when together and with much soul searching we decided to trim you out in an eggshell colorway. That decision was a Home Run!
I think your crochet edging is fabulous and gave me the opportunity to crochet again after 35 years! It was surprising when I found myself crocheting like it was yesterday! Suppose you could say it's like riding a bicycle...you never really forget. But Man.......all those miles of crocheting, I thought we would never complete the eight rows around you.
Just because the time has come for me to move on doesn't mean I will forget you or simply toss you to the back of a closet! I adore you and will enjoy "hanging out" with you for many years!
Knitting Diva