Saturday, August 16, 2008


I have been a major slacker when it comes to my normal walking and strength training routine. Well, the walking shoes have been pulled from the shoe box and are ready to hit the pavement again!
Too much knitting and long hours sitting at a desk over the last two and a half years have finally taken a toll on my whole body! Everyday there is this little voice that attempts to convince me to move, to take a serious look in the mirror....especially the rear view (OMG)! For sure, I don't see that same body that use to crave daily movement, I see a me that has felt physically unbalanced for some time.
What matters and what I wish to accomplish is good health and bring on the walking shoes, dumb bells and knitting needles!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just finished up a nice long walk this morning and I'm now working up the ambition to do a quick Pilates routine for my underworked abs.

Enjoy your walk!